in order for a caterpillar to become a moth, it weaves a cocoon in which it spends a period known as  “goo time”.

for several years now, i have begun to refer to those transition moments in life, when we have let go of what was — yet have not embraced what is to be,

as our human goo time. this is the in-between time, standing on the threshold, the moment when we need to just get quiet, wait, and listen. 

once the moth is ready to emerge into the world, the cocoon offers up a tiny hole — one that looks way too small for the moth to come through. the moth, therefore, has to struggle to become strong enough to break out of its own cocoon. it has to do this in order be strong enough to survive in the world. if an outside force were to make the hole bigger, it would diminish the moth’s chances for surviving because it requires that struggle to gain full strength. 

like moths, we need goo time, patience, and the strength to emerge and fly!